Writing Gets the Job

Interning for Groove with Giselle Hart

Good morning! The Shmidt sting pain index just updated its top 3 most painful experiences in modern times. 1) Being stung by a tarantula hawk wasp 2) Being bitten by a bullet ant 3) Waking up to an internship rejection email. I’m glad they’re finally starting to take notice. Let’s stop feeling this way and start learning about the roles we can’t seem to get—from the people who seem to get them.

—Sean Sebers

In today's edition:

🏆 What earned her the role?

📊 What she does

📈 Give us more!

Giselle Hart

Marketing & Communications Intern

Giselle Hart

Giselle Hart

Giselle Hart graduated in the spring of 2022 from Point Loma Nazarene University with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

In her last semester of school, Giselle applied to roughly ~20 remote marketing intern roles in San Diego, CA. While applying, Giselle saw that a friend of hers was working for a company called Groove—fortuitously, Groove had an opening for a marketing intern position. With a referral from her friend, Giselle’s application received an expedited review process—going through an initial phone screening, an interview with an HR director, and an interview with the VP of marketing. This process, from the moment she applied to the day she received the position, took ~1 week.

The company, Groove, is a seller productivity platform. Essentially, Groove is aimed towards customers who are already using Salesforce—the wildly popular customer relationship management (CRM) software—and automates mundane processes like logging activities or recording calls.

What earned her the role?

In Giselle’s second semester of her senior year, she took an interest in writing and decided to build up a portfolio by becoming a freelance copywriter.

  • Copy is an industry term for text used in marketing or promotional material.

As a freelance copywriter, Giselle wrote SEO content blogs and articles for several companies.

  • SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process taken to make a website easily findable or higher ranked by a search engine.

  • Content blogs and articles that reference a company, or are explicitly written about them, drive traffic to a company page and boost their SEO.

One article that Giselle wrote ended up being featured in Forbes! If you’re interested in seeing her writing, check out Five Ways To Attract Your Ideal Client In 2022 here, or find other articles on her LinkedIn profile here.

This experience had a very positive impact on her application for this role. In addition to it, Giselle said that her ability to get along well with the VP of marketing during the interview sealed the deal for the marketing & communications position.

Along with her freelance work, and prior to this internship, Giselle had worked several part-time jobs and one marketing internship.

What she does:

As an intern, Giselle helped her team by creating/managing Groove’s LinkedIn posts, and planning/creating content for SEO blogs.

Groove has a newsletter with around 25k subscribers from the sales industry. The main goal of this newsletter is to provide valuable insights for their subscribers while positioning themselves as thought-leaders.

Giselle was tasked with taking content from the newsletter and repurposing it for company LinkedIn posts that were released 1-2 times per day. She re-worded everything, polished the writing, and planned all of the other post details before running it by her team for publishing. Giselle also planned posts whenever Groove won an award, was featured on another platform, or when employees had an event.

  • The entire marketing team of around 12-13 people, including Giselle, took a trip to San Luis Obispo, CA, for a fun group activity. For an event like this, Giselle would follow-up with the experience by turning it into a social media post.

Giselle also contributed to writing SEO blogs for Groove and editing SEO blogs from freelancers that are hired by the company.

If an SEO blog was written by a freelancer for Groove, Giselle would edit them, optimize them for Groove's web page, and then upload them to the website using WordPress.

  • WordPress is a popular website building tool used widely across all industries

If Giselle wrote an SEO blog from scratch, she’d typically base it around sales leadership content that came from thought-leaders within Groove.

  • A “thought-leader” is an internal company term that describes Groove professionals who post provocative thought content.

  • She’d mix/mash their recent content and write it in long form. Sometimes it would be a collection of tips for salespeople that she expands on or, she’d receive a prompt from her team to work on.

Her secondary administrative duties consisted of removing duplicate profiles from the company’s Salesforce database, researching topics for other employees, and attending webinars to share important information with her team afterwards.

Where is Giselle now? See what she's up to and how you can reach her below.

📈Give us more!

Giselle Hart

💼Want to hear more from Giselle?

  • Watch the full interview on our YouTube channel linked here.

🔍Connect with Giselle!

  • Connect with her on LinkedIn here. While you're at it, take a look at her experience history to see where you would stand for a similar position.

📢Advice from Giselle:

  • “I think if I went back and talked to myself going into my Senior year, I would have started blogging and looking for freelance copywriting opportunities—and that applies to any specific field. If you were going into graphic design, you would want to seek out unpaid experiences where you can analyze a brand, make content for them, and never actually have to send it to the company, just building up your own portfolio and specializing in something. I think that's how you can stand out.” —Giselle Hart

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