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Interning for Join with Maci Wolf

Good morning. Forbes recently published an article on the top 10 ways college students waste time. Leading the list was 1) Not being subscribed to newsletters about marketing internships, followed by 2) Using social media and 3) Playing video games. At least New Intern readers don’t have to worry about #1. Find out how Maci Wolf seized an internship with Join, what she did in her role, and what advice she has for new interns.

—Sean Sebers

In today's edition:

🏆 What earned her the role?

📊 What she does

📈 Give us more!

Maci Wolf

Sales and Marketing Intern

Maci Wolf

Just last month, Maci Wolf completed her internship with Join as a sales and marketing intern. Join, a web-based team platform, aims to simplify the frustrating process of preconstruction. Essentially, before any construction project begins, a company has to coordinate their general contractors, building plans, city approvals, and more. Dense and confusing Excel sheets are the go-to for navigating this process, but now that Join exists, the entire process can be tracked through their platform. Think of it like the Monday.com or Contractbook of preconstruction.

Maci is also a senior at Saint Mary’s College of California pursuing a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a concentration in marketing. She’ll be graduating this spring 2023. For fun, Maci goes to the gym as frequently as she can and is also a content creator on TikTok with over 90k followers.

What earned her the role @Join?

In the spring of 2022, Maci was in the process of sending out applications like how many of us are now. In a fortunate turn of events, Maci was offered an opportunity to work for Join through a family friend. Like anyone in their right mind, she took the offer and started her internship for this Oakland startup as a sales intern, but later transitioned to a marketing role.

Before joining Join, Maci had worked as a sales and service specialist for a gym. Even though that might not seem relevant, having experience with signing customers up for memberships and logging database entries helped boost her credibility with the company. Overall, though, Maci started out in the same boat as many of us, lacking marketing experience, but eager to find an internship. And who knows? Maybe one day your uncle will hook you up with a sweet internship too.

What she did:

As a sales and marketing intern for Join, Maci’s experience was split into two distinct chunks. The first part was concerned with sales, and the second with marketing.

Sales, of course, is not just calling people on the phone and asking them if they want to buy your product. There’s a heavy amount of data collection and separation that goes into preparing for communicating with clients. In Maci’s case, she had to organize the United States into 11 different territories. Each territory represented an area that an account executive was responsible for. Specifically, they were responsible for reaching out to all potential clients (companies) that fell within each territory. Maci spent a significant amount of time moving and rearranging data in Excel. She was on the computer for so long that I actually developed astigmatism from listening (I have astigmatism, so I get a pass to joke about it).

Using the ENR-400, a list of top general contractors in the US, Maci pulled data for all the companies Join wanted to pursue. She researched each company’s net income, employee count, net capital, number of projects completed, and amount of money invested in projects. If any of you are wondering, this took her a while to complete.

After switching into a marketing position, Maci was primarily focused on internal event planning and social media content. Whenever an event conference in the construction industry was held, Maci was responsible for registering everyone from her company. This included account executives, people from the marketing team, and Join evangelists (speakers).

After communicating all of the event details to her team, she would then switch to promoting the event through email marketing. Join would give her a list of companies they wanted to work with, and Maci would email each company encouraging them to come watch Join’s presentations. To top it all off, Maci was also in charge of creating LinkedIn posts to showcase the company’s involvement in the industry, and customer spotlights. The head of marketing was proofreading and reviewing her work, but Maci was creating the posts from scratch.

Maci’s sales and marketing internship lasted close to a year and was, according to her, an experience that boosted her knowledge and confidence in the marketing industry. Feel free to reach out to her through LinkedIn below!

📈Give us more!

Maci Wolf

💼Want to hear more from Maci?

  • Watch the full interview on our YouTube channel linked here.

🔍Connect with Maci!

  • Connect with her on LinkedIn here.

📢Advice from Maci:

Slow down while working and finish your projects well. If you're working on an internal project and something is misspelled, it takes away from your authority, credibility, and professionalism. So slow down and be careful while working as an intern.

Aside from always taking your time with work, communication is key. I’ve had some tasks that needed to be done by a certain date but wasn’t able to because of my school schedule or mental health. If you’re able to communicate that, they'll understand. During an internship, you're there to learn, and as much as you want to be treated as a regular employee, you have to realize that you are working under different circumstances. There were times when people reached out to me and asked if I had something ready, and I’d have to respond that I was in class. Jobs are understanding of the fact that we’re college students. —Maci Wolf

*Edited for clarity*

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