Going Global

Interning for Entravision with Stephanie Valenzuela

Good morning. We’ve finally reached that time of year where internships are few and far between. Intern experiences have never been more important than they are now, but they’ve also never been scarcer. To combat this intern shortage while maintaining our awesome features, this newsletter will be sent out biweekly until we can return to our normal weekly schedule.

Find out how this week’s intern, Stephanie Valenzuela, scored an internship with Entravision US Media, what she did in that role, and what she thinks you can do to earn one too.

—Sean Sebers

In today's edition:

🏆 What earned her the role?

📊 What she does

📈 Give us more!

Stephanie Valenzuela

Marketing Research Intern

Stephanie Valenzuela

Last summer, Stephanie Valenzuela was a marketing research intern for Entravision US Media. Entravision is a global media and advertising company that utilizes television, radio, and streaming services to reach a largely Hispanic demographic. Like other major media companies, Entravision primarily generates revenue by selling advertisements on their own platforms and networks. They connect around 4,500 brands to their roughly three billion consumers worldwide.

Stephanie is also a senior at UC Riverside pursuing a bachelor’s degree in sociology with administrative studies, with a concentration in marketing and administrative studies. She’ll be graduating in June of this year.

What earned her the role @Entravision US Media?

Two years ago, while Stephanie was a sophomore, Covid struck the world and forced everyone to have some alone time (too much alone time, in my opinion). After experiencing life in lockdown, Stephanie decided she wanted to build herself up as an individual by getting involved in a meaningful organization. To follow through on her decision, she joined the United Latino Students Association (ULSA), a non-profit organization that oversees 13 Latino-based professional chapters across California.

A couple years after joining, Stephanie became (and still is) the CEO and president of ULSA. She helps oversee a variety of channels, but something that was especially valuable for her was working with ULSA alumni advisors. Essentially, ULSA has its own board of alumni that offer resume and professional development workshops for current members, but they also find and send internship opportunities. Having been a member for a long time, Stephanie was referred for an internship by one of these ULSA alumni advisors.

Being internally referred was crucial to getting this role, but it took years of being involved with ULSA for Stephanie to be selected for the opportunity.

What she did:

Located in Los Angeles, Stephanie’s internship with Entravision was a fully in-person experience. A significant portion of her role was dedicated to shadowing and observing different teams in their natural environment, so to speak.

Being introduced to individual team members and sitting in on meetings were a few things she was involved in to start off. In preparation for one meeting, Stephanie shadowed Entravision's director of IT to learn how he creates and coordinates company-wide Zooms with over 1000 people! While attending one of these virtual events, Stephanie had the opportunity to become acquainted with Entravision executives from Africa, Asia, Europe, and other parts of the world. It doesn’t get more global than that.

Stephanie was also able to learn how Entravision's social media marketing team prepped Facebook Live and TikTok content for release. The types of content Entravision produces can vary based on the companies they’re working with, but the main purpose is to allow for a compelling story to be told on behalf of their clients.

Stephanie’s main project was exactly that. One of Entravision's clients, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, needed help communicating their mission to large groups of people. To solve this, Entravision first set-up interview sessions with doctors and patients who were dealing with these medical conditions. Stephanie was then given an opportunity to speak with these doctors and patients while recording it all for content later. She helped brainstorm the perfect set of interview questions to elicit valuable responses and authentic experiences.

After recording, Stephanie moved on to writing the entire transcript out word-by-word and translating it into Spanish! Despite being fluent in English and Spanish, this was a difficult task that required immense attention to detail and knowledge of both languages. For those wondering, computer generated transcripts have too many mistakes to work with, so humans still write the transcripts out for precision. Final score: Stephanie-1, A.I.-0.

And finally, Stephanie learned alongside the marketing team how to skim and edit recordings to fit different styles of social media. From long content formats like YouTube to short and vertical TikTok’s, Entravision knows how to chop up their content and distribute it.

Overall, Stephanie had a fantastic internship experience that left her more excited to pursue a career in media than before. Feel free to reach out to her through LinkedIn below!

📈Give us more!

Behind the scenes with Stephanie!

💼Want to hear more from Stephanie?

  • Watch the full interview on our YouTube channel linked here.

🔍Connect with Stephanie!

  • Connect with her on LinkedIn here.

📢Advice from Stephanie:

Don’t feel discouraged by job application requirements. I’m a sociology major but I was doing marketing research for Entravision, which technically has nothing to do with my major. So don’t let job requirements discourage you. More likely than not, you have a story to tell, and you definitely want to share that in your resume, LinkedIn profile, and interviews. Applying and exposing yourself to these different opportunities will actually make you stand out because of your unrelated major or uniquely different experience.

Also, no experience is too small. Whether you've had a role as a sibling or babysitter, take a moment and realize that you’ve probably developed skills from those experiences that employers will find valuable. So, don’t sell yourself short, and actually believe in yourself.

*Edited for clarity*

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The New Intern team is always aiming to write for its readers. If there's anything you liked, disliked, or wished you could have read in this issue, please let us know!

  • Reach us by replying to this email.

  • Know someone we can interview? Reach out and get us connected!